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The SSVF program provides eligible veteran families with outreach, case management, assistance obtaining VA benefits, and other supportive services and financial assistance. Assistance can include:- Rent assistance- Rental deposits- Car repair - Connection to VA resources/benefits
The SSVF program provides eligible veteran families with outreach, case management, assistance obtaining VA benefits, and other supportive services and financial assistance. Assistance can include:- Rent assistance- Rental deposits- Car repair - Connection to VA resources/benefits
Automotive Repair and Maintenance
General Legal Aid
Rental Deposit Assistance
Rent Payment Assistance
At Risk/Homeless Housing Related Assistance Programs
Housing Related Coordinated Entry
COMEA House offers housing to those in need. The following programs are available: - Emergency Shelter (7 day stay) - Journey Program (60 day stay) - Pay to Stay (P2S) Program (up to 120 days) - Transitional Living Program (TLP) (pay to stay from 6 to 24 months) - Destination Housing for families with minor children (under age 18)
COMEA House offers housing to those in need. The following programs are available: - Emergency Shelter (7 day stay) - Journey Program (60 day stay) - Pay to Stay (P2S) Program (up to 120 days) - Transitional Living Program (TLP) (pay to stay from 6 to 24 months) - Destination Housing for families with minor children (under age 18)
Housing Related Coordinated Entry
Transitional Housing/Shelter
Homeless Shelter
The SSVF program provides eligible veteran families with outreach, case management, assistance obtaining VA benefits, and other supportive services and financial assistance. Assistance can include:- Rent assistance- Rental deposits- Car repair - Connection to VA resources/benefits
The SSVF program provides eligible veteran families with outreach, case management, assistance obtaining VA benefits, and other supportive services and financial assistance. Assistance can include:- Rent assistance- Rental deposits- Car repair - Connection to VA resources/benefits
Automotive Repair and Maintenance
Rental Deposit Assistance
General Legal Aid
Rent Payment Assistance
Housing Related Coordinated Entry
At Risk/Homeless Housing Related Assistance Programs
24 Hour Emergency Crisis Shelter for children from infancy to 17. The Youth Crisis Center provides short-term emergency services to abused, neglected and homeless youth from the Casper, Wyoming area. Crisis intervention services include shelter, referral, counseling, and an alternative to jail. The crisis center transports children to and from school in an effort to minimize the child's trauma and maintain continuity in their education.
24 Hour Emergency Crisis Shelter for children from infancy to 17. The Youth Crisis Center provides short-term emergency services to abused, neglected and homeless youth from the Casper, Wyoming area. Crisis intervention services include shelter, referral, counseling, and an alternative to jail. The crisis center transports children to and from school in an effort to minimize the child's trauma and maintain continuity in their education.
Youth Shelters
Housing Related Coordinated Entry
Laundry Vouchers
Crisis Intervention Skills Development
Crisis Intervention
Wraparound Facilitation/Community Support
Our transitional housing consists of single-occupancy apartments that are offered to homeless individuals, as well as larger apartments and/or homes, to assist low-income families. Both single occupancy and family housing opportunities include case management. They also provide affordable housing to low-to-moderate income families. These include case management. All services depend on available funding. Please call to see how CALC can help you.
Our transitional housing consists of single-occupancy apartments that are offered to homeless individuals, as well as larger apartments and/or homes, to assist low-income families. Both single occupancy and family housing opportunities include case management. They also provide affordable housing to low-to-moderate income families. These include case management. All services depend on available funding. Please call to see how CALC can help you.
Housing Related Coordinated Entry
Transitional Housing/Shelter
Furniture/Home Furnishings Donation Programs
Crisis Placement for youth between the ages of 10 to 17.
Crisis Placement for youth between the ages of 10 to 17.
Community Development Block Grant Agencies
Housing Related Coordinated Entry
Youth Shelters
Homeless families are housed in our shelter house. Families receive case management and support services to help them find housing, employment, and other services on a case by case basis.
Homeless families are housed in our shelter house. Families receive case management and support services to help them find housing, employment, and other services on a case by case basis.
Family Resource Centers/Outreach
Homeless Diversion Programs
Homeless Shelter
Transitional Housing/Shelter
Housing Related Coordinated Entry
Furniture/Home Furnishings Donation Programs
Way Station Phase 1 - Designated for those who are in emergency situations or those temporarily without shelter. Drug and alcohol free.
Will allow homeless individuals with pets to come into the shelter. Existing patrons in the shelter will not be allowed to bring or adopt pets into the shelter.
Way Station Phase 1 - Designated for those who are in emergency situations or those temporarily without shelter. Drug and alcohol free.
Will allow homeless individuals with pets to come into the shelter. Existing patrons in the shelter will not be allowed to bring or adopt pets into the shelter.
Homeless Shelter
Housing Related Coordinated Entry
PATH (Projects for Assistance in Transition from Homelessness). In order to qualify for services, an individual must be diagnosed with a serious mental illness and be experiencing homelessness or be in imminent danger of becoming homeless. PATH provides some financial assistance for deposits and/or rent and rental search assistance.
PATH (Projects for Assistance in Transition from Homelessness). In order to qualify for services, an individual must be diagnosed with a serious mental illness and be experiencing homelessness or be in imminent danger of becoming homeless. PATH provides some financial assistance for deposits and/or rent and rental search assistance.
Housing Related Coordinated Entry
Homelessness Prevention Programs
Furniture/Home Furnishings Donation Programs
Rental Application Fee Payment Assistance
Utility Deposit Assistance
Supportive Housing
Rental Deposit Assistance
The SSVF program provides eligible veteran families with outreach, case management, assistance obtaining VA benefits, and other supportive services and financial assistance. Assistance can include:- Rent assistance- Rental deposits- Car repair - Connection to VA resources/benefits
The SSVF program provides eligible veteran families with outreach, case management, assistance obtaining VA benefits, and other supportive services and financial assistance. Assistance can include:- Rent assistance- Rental deposits- Car repair - Connection to VA resources/benefits
General Legal Aid
Rent Payment Assistance
Automotive Repair and Maintenance
Rental Deposit Assistance
At Risk/Homeless Housing Related Assistance Programs
Housing Related Coordinated Entry
We provide shelter, case management, and direct support services to help families with children under 18 experiencing homelessness work toward independent living goals. We also provide homelessness prevention services like vital document recovery, utility and rent relief, and case management. Finally, we operate a diaper and hygiene pantry that may also provide cleaning products.
We provide shelter, case management, and direct support services to help families with children under 18 experiencing homelessness work toward independent living goals. We also provide homelessness prevention services like vital document recovery, utility and rent relief, and case management. Finally, we operate a diaper and hygiene pantry that may also provide cleaning products.
Family Resource Centers/Outreach
Homeless Shelter
Rent Payment Assistance
Housing Related Coordinated Entry
Homelessness Prevention Programs
Transitional Housing/Shelter
YAHA works with families and provides short term care, up to 30 days, to youth who need help getting their lives together. YAHA also helps provide solutions to problems the youth may be having at home.
YAHA works with families and provides short term care, up to 30 days, to youth who need help getting their lives together. YAHA also helps provide solutions to problems the youth may be having at home.
Housing Related Coordinated Entry
Youth Shelters
Short term program that provides food, shelter, showers, laundry services, clothes, case management, and referrals. We have a 30 and 90 day program. Length of stay is dependent on individual program plan. Must be ambulatory and willing to work their program.
Short term program that provides food, shelter, showers, laundry services, clothes, case management, and referrals. We have a 30 and 90 day program. Length of stay is dependent on individual program plan. Must be ambulatory and willing to work their program.
Housing Related Coordinated Entry
Soup Kitchens
Homeless Shelter
Public Showers/Baths
Clothing Vouchers
If you are a homeless veteran and need to find a local VA resource please either call or visit the website. The VA now has capability to answer personal questions on a secure site: https://iris.custhelp.com There is a link to "Ask a Question"
If you are a homeless veteran and need to find a local VA resource please either call or visit the website. The VA now has capability to answer personal questions on a secure site: https://iris.custhelp.com There is a link to "Ask a Question"
Housing Related Coordinated Entry
Veteran/Military Hotlines
Homelessness Prevention Programs
The SSVF program provides eligible veteran families with outreach, case management, assistance obtaining VA benefits, and other supportive services and financial assistance. Assistance can include:- Rent assistance- Rental deposits- Car repair - Connection to VA resources/benefits
The SSVF program provides eligible veteran families with outreach, case management, assistance obtaining VA benefits, and other supportive services and financial assistance. Assistance can include:- Rent assistance- Rental deposits- Car repair - Connection to VA resources/benefits
Housing Related Coordinated Entry
Rental Deposit Assistance
Rent Payment Assistance
General Legal Aid
At Risk/Homeless Housing Related Assistance Programs
Automotive Repair and Maintenance
Free emergency shelter for 14 days with the opportunity for Extended Shelter on a income based sliding scale fee for employed individuals. Free community food pantry, free clothing closet, and showers available to non clients for $5
Free emergency shelter for 14 days with the opportunity for Extended Shelter on a income based sliding scale fee for employed individuals. Free community food pantry, free clothing closet, and showers available to non clients for $5
Housing Related Coordinated Entry
Homeless Shelter
Soup Kitchens
Food Pantries
The SSVF program provides eligible veteran families with outreach, case management, assistance obtaining VA benefits, and other supportive services and financial assistance. Assistance can include:- Rent assistance- Rental deposits- Car repair - Connection to VA resources/benefits
The SSVF program provides eligible veteran families with outreach, case management, assistance obtaining VA benefits, and other supportive services and financial assistance. Assistance can include:- Rent assistance- Rental deposits- Car repair - Connection to VA resources/benefits
Housing Related Coordinated Entry
General Legal Aid
Rent Payment Assistance
Rental Deposit Assistance
At Risk/Homeless Housing Related Assistance Programs
Automotive Repair and Maintenance
The SSVF program provides eligible veteran families with outreach, case management, assistance obtaining VA benefits, and other supportive services and financial assistance. Assistance can include:- Rent assistance- Rental deposits- Car repair - Connection to VA resources/benefits
The SSVF program provides eligible veteran families with outreach, case management, assistance obtaining VA benefits, and other supportive services and financial assistance. Assistance can include:- Rent assistance- Rental deposits- Car repair - Connection to VA resources/benefits
Automotive Repair and Maintenance
Rent Payment Assistance
At Risk/Homeless Housing Related Assistance Programs
General Legal Aid
Housing Related Coordinated Entry
Rental Deposit Assistance
Self-Sufficiency Program for single-parent families who are experiencing or are about to experience homelessness. Participants are provided with transitional housing and support services including Personal and Professional Development.
Self-Sufficiency Program for single-parent families who are experiencing or are about to experience homelessness. Participants are provided with transitional housing and support services including Personal and Professional Development.
Housing Related Coordinated Entry
Transitional Housing/Shelter
The SSVF program provides eligible veteran families with outreach, case management, assistance obtaining VA benefits, and other supportive services and financial assistance. Assistance can include:- Rent assistance- Rental deposits- Car repair - Connection to VA resources/benefits
The SSVF program provides eligible veteran families with outreach, case management, assistance obtaining VA benefits, and other supportive services and financial assistance. Assistance can include:- Rent assistance- Rental deposits- Car repair - Connection to VA resources/benefits
Rental Deposit Assistance
Housing Related Coordinated Entry
Furniture/Home Furnishings Donation Programs
General Legal Aid
At Risk/Homeless Housing Related Assistance Programs
Automotive Repair and Maintenance
Rent Payment Assistance
Crisis Placement for youth between the ages of 10 to 17.
Crisis Placement for youth between the ages of 10 to 17.
Community Development Block Grant Agencies
Housing Related Coordinated Entry
Youth Shelters