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The Y.E.S. House Crisis Shelter is available to youth ages 10 to 17 and their families on a 24-hour basis. While at the Crisis Shelter, youth continue to attend school, participate in corrective thinking and life skills groups, study time, volunteer in the community, and do chores. The average length of stay at the crisis shelter is 4 to 10 days.


Community Development Block Grant Agencies
Youth Shelters
YAHA works with families and provides short term care, up to 30 days, to youth who need help getting their lives together. YAHA also helps provide solutions to problems the youth may be having at home.
Housing and transition services for homeless youth within Natrona County who are ages 16-20.


Youth Shelters
Short term crisis shelter for youth ages 10 to 17. Crisis shelter offers short term crisis intervention. Youth may be referred for crisis shelter services by their parents, school, therapists, law enforcement, the court or youth themselves.
The Social Services Division within the Department of Family Services manages the funding and contracting associated with the community programs including juvenile services programs developed for at-risk youth and delinquent juveniles.


Juvenile Detention Facilities
Juvenile Probation
Youth Shelters
Juvenile Delinquency Prevention
Housing and transition services for homeless youth within Laramie County who ages 16-20..


Furniture/Home Furnishings Donation Programs
Youth Shelters
24 Hour Emergency Crisis Shelter for children from infancy to 17. The Youth Crisis Center provides short-term emergency services to abused, neglected and homeless youth from the Casper, Wyoming area. Crisis intervention services include shelter, referral, counseling, and an alternative to jail. The crisis center transports children to and from school in an effort to minimize the child's trauma and maintain continuity in their education.


Youth Shelters
Housing Related Coordinated Entry
Laundry Vouchers
Crisis Intervention Skills Development
Crisis Intervention
Wraparound Facilitation/Community Support
Offering resources to support youth and families in crisis 24/7/365. The crisis hotline is available 24/7 to offer support and solutions. Crisis services are tailored to each individual and often include a crisis shelter stay for youth. Intake plans are driven by each client and their family to identify and address crisis and long-term needs. Reasons for intake include; emergency care and shelter, respite or therapeutic breaks, and group home services.


Youth Shelters
Mental Health Crisis Lines
Family Counseling Agencies
Adolescent/Youth Counseling
Runaway/Homeless Youth Helplines
Crisis Placement for youth between the ages of 10 to 17.


Community Development Block Grant Agencies
Housing Related Coordinated Entry
Youth Shelters
Crisis Placement for youth between the ages of 10 to 17.


Community Development Block Grant Agencies
Housing Related Coordinated Entry
Youth Shelters
Stepping Stones is an 8-bed facility serving primarily Carbon County. Crisis placement beds are for youth who are out of control at home, possible substance abuse issues, struggling with school or referred by child protective services. Stepping Stones also serves as a runaway/homeless youth shelter. Long term placements tend to be court ordered. Youth who are ordered long term may have specific behaviors they need to work on or they are awaiting a different level of care.


Youth Shelters
Diversion Programs
Adolescent/Youth Counseling
Parent Counseling
Children's Out of Home Respite Care
Crisis Intervention Hotlines/Helplines
Children's In Home Respite Care
Van Vleck House Group Home & Crisis Shelter provides placement for youth 10-18 in need of a structured therapeutic environment in Jackson. The Hirschfield Center for Children helps children avoid behavioral, emotional, & mental health problems by strengthening families by working to prevent child abuse & neglect. Red Top Meadows Residential Treatment Center provides residential treatment and therapeutic wilderness programs for adolescent males.


Youth Shelters
Community Mental Health Agencies
Child Advocacy Centers
Youth Centers
Counseling Services
Child Welfare/Family Services Associations
Family Resource Centers/Outreach
Milestones is a 10-bed facility serving primarily Sheridan and Johnson Counties. Milestones has two different placement types, crisis and long term. Crisis placement beds are for youth who are out of control at home, possible substance abuse issues, struggling with school or referred by child protective services. Milestones also serves as a runaway/homeless youth shelter. Long term placements tend to be court ordered.
Housing and transition services for homeless youth within Albany County who ages 16-20..


Youth Shelters
Independent Living (IL) services focus on helping youth who are or were in foster care placement or residential treatment one day after the age of 14 until the age of 21 become self-sufficient.