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Faith based social service agency that focuses on newly released inmates from Wyoming Penal Institutions who plan to reside in Gillette. Assistance with:- Employment needs (work boots, bibs, etc.)- Basic clothing needs- Locating housing- Obtaining an ID/Driver's License, birth certificate- MSHA with employment verification- Hygiene packs with enough supplies for one month- Walmart gift card- 1 tank of gas, for job searching- Gently used household items; transitional housing


General Clothing Provision
Work Clothing
Birth Certificate Fee Payment Assistance
Driver License Fee Payment Assistance
Household Goods
Ex-Offender Reentry Programs
Providing employment services for Homeless Veterans to help them obtain gainful, long term and meaningful employment. The program networks with other service providers to ensure that a continuum of care is being met and that any gaps in service are being filled.


Job Interview Training
Transportation Expense Assistance
Job Search/Placement
Resume Preparation Assistance
Work Tools/Equipment
Work Clothing
Provide professional attire and workforce services to women for interviews and other employment.



The Gillette Salvation Army provides emergency services to the Gillette and Campbell County Communities. Our assistance programs are currently: Food Pantry, emergency rent and utilities, Medication vouchers, Gas vouchers for medical appointments (with proof) Specialized work clothes and boots/shoes for NEW jobs, Other needs as they arise and we are able to meet them


Prescription Expense Assistance
Work Clothing
Utility Service Payment Assistance
Food Pantries
Commodity Supplemental Food Program
Rent Payment Assistance
Clients can shop for interview and workplace clothing for free. Clients can shop from the Career Closet twice per year and may take 3 complete outfits each visit.
Providing employment services for Homeless Veterans to help them obtain gainful, long term and meaningful employment. The program networks with other service providers to ensure that a continuum of care is being met and that any gaps in service are being filled.


Job Interview Training
Job Search/Placement
Work Tools/Equipment
Transportation Expense Assistance
Resume Preparation Assistance
Work Clothing
Providing employment services for Homeless Veterans to help them obtain gainful, long term and meaningful employment. The program networks with other service providers to ensure that a continuum of care is being met and that any gaps in service are being filled.


Work Tools/Equipment
Job Search/Placement
Work Clothing
Resume Preparation Assistance
Transportation Expense Assistance
Job Interview Training